Original Alice in Chains Bassist Mike Starr, dies age 44

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Mike Starr was the original bassist for Alice in Chains. He was found dead on Tuesday in his Salt Lake City, Utah home.

Starr left Alice in Chains in 1993 during the middle of the Dirt tour; the split was reportedly amicable, but a result of Starr’s growing drug addiction.

Starr played in AiC from 1987 to 1993 on the albums Facelift, Sap, and Dirt.

His family said Starr wasn't usuing illegal drugs and had seen a doctor about a medial condition recently, and that he was happy and in good spirits the night before his death

They ask, please remember Mike for the talented musician and the person he was.

Scotscub57 yrs
that Grim Reaper must be a very busy man there zapping away all of you loved rock stars , I was gutted when I heard the news myself here, I didn't see the early Alice In Chains band, wow! only 44 that's still a very young age.