
9 answers in this topic
Scotscub57 yrs
Swiss rockers Gotthard
Anytime Anywhere
The Call
Domino Effect
Let It Be

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tiberiusbn71 yrs
Thank you so much
I realy like Gotthard
Scotscub57 yrs
hi tiberiusbn. I'm glad that you also like Gotthard, they're brilliant.
I'll have some more videos posted on here soon, so you can enjoy them.
I'm going down to Manchester next month to see them live in concert , I can't wait.
Scotscub57 yrs
We all know the Swiss are famous for somethings like the cuckoo clocks, the great tasting Swiss chocolate and more but what about these Swiss gems their brilliant rock band Gotthard.
Scotscub57 yrs
OMG! I've just read that we've lost another great rock singer Steve Lee from Gotthard, this was one of the must have to see bands from Switzerland, I love this band, their music, I'm going to really miss Steve here.
Gotthard singer dies in Harley crash

Gotthard singer Steve Lee was living a lifelong dream when he died in a road accident near Las Vegas yesterday, his record label have said.

The 47-year-old platinum-selling Swiss frontman had travelled to the US with 20 friends to spend a fortnight riding across the nation on Harley-Davidson motorcycles. Other members of the party included his girlfriend, Brigitte Balzarini, and Gotthard bassist Marc Lynn.

When rain began to fall on the road between Mesquite and Vegas, the group pulled over to don their wet gear. As Lee was standing by his bike a passing truck began to skid on the wet road.

The driver lost control of his trailer, which struck five of the bikes. One of them hit Lee, who died soon afterwards despite resuscitation efforts by rescue services. No one else was injured in the incident.

Lee survived a less serious crash in August in Italy, when his car was shunted from behind as he tried to avoid a six-car pileup on the road ahead.

Gotthard formed in 1992 and are regarded as the most successful hard rock band to come out of Switzerland – although Krokus have enjoyed more international success. They’d recently toured with Whitesnake to support most recent album Need to Believe.

A spokesman for Nuclear Blast Records says: “We’ve lost one of the world’s best rock voices and also an extraordinary person. He retained a subtle eye for detail and often impressed with his sensitive observation.

“He had a serious outlook without losing his sense of humour and lust for life. He sold several million albums throughout his career – several of them reaching platinum, double or triple platinum status.

“And yet all this bears no relation to the human greatness of Steve Lee on a daily basis.”

Gotthard were already writing songs for their tenth album and were set to wind up their year-long world tour in Germany at the end of October. Lee was preparing to take second billing on a Rock Meets Classic tour in January, featuring songs played by symphony orchestra. He would have appeared alongside Ian Gillan of Deep Purple, Lou Gramm ex of Foreigner and Dan McCafferty of Nazareth
Scotscub57 yrs
I had to bring this back on here again from the excellent Gotthard.
R.I.P Steve Lee.
Gotthard - Lift U Up
Gotthard - Angel
Gotthard - Hush
Scotscub57 yrs
I found this 60's classic of the original Hollies song done by Gotthard here, it sounds so good.
Gotthard - He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother
Scotscub57 yrs

R.I.P Steve Lee (Gotthard)

our sincere condolences to the family and the band !

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Scotscub57 yrs
Gotthard † R.I.P Steve Lee [Tribute]


StatementsTony Clarkin, Bob Catley, Mark Stanway (Magnum)
“My lasting memory of Steve will always be of him singing on stage with Magnum, I’d written a song called “On Chrismas Day” for a new album but no-one could reach the high harmony so I asked Steve if he would sing it live on stage on a few shows with us so I could see what it sounded like, He did it on about 4 or 5 shows and it was a great help to us. Of course later on Gotthard went on to bigger and bigger things. Steve will be missed a lot in the music world and our thoughts go out to his family and friends.”

Klaus Meine (Scorpions)
“When our former manager, Uwe Block , arranged a dinner with Scorpions and Gotthard in Zürich back in the nineties, I had a chance to talk to Steve about the stuff that just singers talk about ….. trashed vocal Chords … Studio Sessions … the crazy Life on the road ….. of course, we lived and shared the same Rock’n Roll Dream. He was not only an amazing Singer / Artist, but also a very nice human being ……. his voice lives on forever in the hearts of his fans ….. my thoughts and prayers are with his family and his bandmates ….. RIP Steve ….. we’ll miss you …”

Henry Maske
„Ich will es nicht glauben. Wir hatten ein so schönes Gespräch nach dem Fußballevent. Gerade auch mit Steve haben wir über unser gemeinsames Erlebnis bei dem Dreh des Films „Max Schmeling“ in Zagreb gesprochen. Wir haben uns mit einem sehr guten Gefühl voneinander verabschiedet. Jetzt bleibt auch mir nur meine tief empfundene Anteilnahme an seine Angehörigen und Freunde auszusprechen. Ich wünsche Ihnen all die erforderliche Kraft, die jetzt nötig ist.“

Joey Tempest, John Norum, John Leven, Mic Michaeli, Ian Haughland (Europe)
“Steve Lee was a friendly soul with a great rock voice.
Our heart goes out to his family, bandmates, friends and Gotthard fans.
We have very fond memories of touring together in Germany. “

Wolf Hoffmann (Accept)
“Steve ist nicht mehr da und ich bin sicher, jeder ist sprachlos und hilflos in solchen Situationen! Wir haben die Karriere und vor allem eben auch den Einfluss des Künstlers STEVE LEE bei GOTTHARD natürlich mitbekommen!
Was er hinterlassen hat, muss alle trösten und macht ihn unsterblich! Alle die Steve liebten, werden seine Persönlichkeit und sein Wirken in GOTTHARDS Musik und vor allem in seiner Stimme wiederfinden! He will ROCK ON forever!“

Danny Vaughn (Tyketto)
“It’s not often that you come across someone that no one has a bad word for. Especially not in our business. But everyone liked and respected Steve. The word that got used so often in people’s description of him is “Gentleman”. I’ll bet that is something he was proud of. I know I would be. From a professional standpoint I can only say that he was one hell of a good singer. Note perfect in his live performances.
Musicians, particularly singers, aren’t much known for their camaraderie but there is still a fraternity of sorts amongst us as fellow players. Speaking as a member of that fraternity, I send my thoughts and prayers out to his family and his girlfriend and to his many fans that are very shaken by his sad, untimely death.”

Ronnie Atkins (Pretty Maids)
“It’s always very sad and tragic when someone’s suddenly being taken away under such terrifying circumstances. However he’s great voice and legacy will still stay strong in the minds of fans and those who hold him dear.
My condolences goes to his family. R.I.P.”

Marco Wriedt (AXXIS)
„Ich kann es immer noch nicht glauben. Ich habe noch auf dem „Rock Of Ages Festival“ mit Steve gesprochen und in zwei Wochen hätten wir zusammen mit GOTTHARD ein paar Konzerte gespielt. Die Vorfreude war extrem groß. Steve gehörte für mich zu den wenigen Leuten, die den „Classic Rock“ im neuen Jahrtausend unglaublich authentisch rübergebracht haben. Seine Stimme, sein Charisma und Auftreten haben ihn auch in Zeit
Scotscub57 yrs
… authentisch rübergebracht haben. Seine Stimme, sein Charisma und Auftreten haben ihn auch in Zeiten wo Rock Musik nicht sonderlich populär war, nach ganz oben gebracht und wer schafft das schon? Danke für alles Steve. Mein Beileid geht an die Familie, Freunde und Band.“

Vivian Campbell (Def Leppard/Thin Lizzy)
“I am saddened and shocked to learn of Steve’s untimely passing. My heartfelt condolences to his family and many friends. The music lives on.“

Marc Storace (Krokus)
„Dear Steve,
It felt good to know you, working was great!
You left us so early, my tears fell like rain.
The memories I treasure, like the songs that you sang,
As you smile down from heaven, on your folks and your band.
Rest In Peace brother.“

David Readman (Pink Cream 69)
“ After hearing this devastating news two days ago, a dark cloud has been hanging over our heads. The world has lost one of the greatest rock singers. Deepest condolences to his family and friends.”

Bernhard Weiss (Axxis)
„Wir sind tief betroffen über dieses tragische Unglück. Mit Steve geht eine der besten Rockstimmen und einer der angenehmsten Menschen der Szene von uns. Es ist kaum zu fassen.
Wir wünschen der Familie, allen Angehörigen und der Band viel Kraft in dieser schwierigen Zeit.
PS. Mit dem Tode eines Menschen verliert man vieles – aber niemals, die mit ihm verbrachte Zeit.“

Roger Glover (Deep Purple)
“I was saddened by the tragic and untimely death of Steve Lee, the singer of Gotthard, a band that we have worked with many times over the years. He was passionate about his singing and had a vitality that brightened any room. This is a huge loss. Our thoughts go out to Brigitte, his family, and his band mates.”

Steve Morse (Deep Purple)
“Steve Lee was one of those guys that I just had an instant connection with. He was very talented musically, and more importantly, to me, he was always a warm, friendly person backstage. People who aren’t in the music business have lots of different images in their mind of the way musicians behave. Steve was a sensible, intelligent guy who happened

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