I whises everyone welcomed to this community :)

5 answers in this topic
a member
I really hopes you will like this community, it will become bigger, I'm helping scotscub to get some members and information about alot of rock - heavymetal - glam rock - death metal - and black metal bands.

And lets start to headbang everyone ! ;) And welcome :)
and I will keep updating with bands , music and songs, and please if you've got any bands , songs you would like to share , then write :) and lets rock :)

edited once00
Scotscub57 yrs
thanks ape, nice to see someone who's very keen on helping here.
C'mon guys, let's help each other on here, the more gay/bi rockers on here the better.
OK! just for laughs here, who has put on a fav song/album, who has stood in front of a mirror with an air guitar or a hair brush & pretend that your a rock star? Or what about is there a favourite driving rock song that comes on the radio, the one that makes you want turn up the volume and makes you want to sing along with it.
Could it be Meatloaf's Bat out of Hell. Motorhead's Ace of Spades, Nirvana's Smell's like teen spirit, Queen's we are the Champions/we will rock you?
Again this is all just for fun & raise a few smiles on this site, come on tell us your stories on here. Thanks Scotscub.
a member
Hey Ape,
Best wishes to you as well.
If you need information about classic rock from the 60's to early 80's let me know.
Bolan, Bowie and early U2 are favourites.
Take care,
Scotscub57 yrs
Hi George , nice to have you here, like yourself I was brought up with some of the glam rock stars.bands (no sniggering there now ape) of people like Bowie Marc Bolan, Slade ( I heard that ape, who? lol) these are some of the stars from the eary part of the 70''s who wanted to created heir own personality, to be someone different, like Bowie ,Alice Cooper, Kiss, Marc Bolan etc! these guys wanted to stand out from what was the end of the era for pot smoking ,flower power of the 60''''s bands , these artists made way for furture bands to come along & share the music scene even right up to this day here. but one thing it does come to here it that the future of rock looks great.
So if you know anyone out there who shares our love for rock music, then let them know about this community that we''ve built here, thanks, all the best Long live rock & roll. Scotscub.

edited twice00
Scotscub57 yrs
c''mon everybody in this community,let''s all work together & make this community a success here, after all this is not my community anymore it''s our community here & we need your help to make it bigger & better here.
It doesn''t matter what language you speak, if you simply like your music that little bit louder then get involved here.
We've built up this community from nothing here, we want to show the rest of the gay scene out there, yes! we're rockers/metalheads/punks,etc! but we're proud of who we are here, as Paul Stanley sings on Crazy, Crazy nights, this is our music, it makes me proud"

So for those about to rock on here .........we salute you!

edited once00
Scotscub57 yrs
I still wish this community pulls together here & the rest of the world know that we're not Madonna or Lady Gaga fans here, we love rock !