Visage - Fade to Grey

Two answers in this topic
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Scotscub57 yrs
hi 69bear, I've not seen this video or heard this song for ages, I almost forgotten how good it really is here. Also the singer Steve Strange also appeared in David Bowie's Ashes to Ashes video.
a member
Hi Scotscub, Yes it´s a great video and singer

he does all the stuff that I would love to do allthough.

His Outfit, the music that was 100% my kind of felling at this time.

The music i think comes more from mitch ure and the Boys from Ultravox.

But it was one great awesome Big Thing. If their was no David Bowie then it maby never would have been a Band like Visage or Ultravox I Think.

Short feature on the success of Visage in 1980.

David Bowie is the Daddy of New Romantic.