Metal And Classical Fans Are Virtually Identical!

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Scotscub57 yrs
Here's an interesting piece that I've came across and wanted to share on here along with some of the comments that goes with this, at the bottom of this article.

Metal And Classical Fans Are Virtually Identical!

Metal fans and classical music fans have a lot in common, apparently.
According to a survey carried out at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, both are creative, at ease with themselves and introverted. This comes from a study of 36,000 music fans around the world.

Metal and classical followers are also obsessive and dedicated. Professor Adrian North, who led the study says:

“There’s also a sense of theatre which is common with both groups. For heavy metal bands it’s about putting on a show”.

What are the chances of Iron Maiden or Judas Priest appearing at the Proms, then?!


24/01/2012 12pmSeems true. My main loves are hard rock/metal and opera. Went to High Voltage and Download this year etc, as well as opera’s by Wagner, Puccini. In Feb seeing Rammstein and Mozart.
brian hickey

24/01/2012 3pmI have always thought that. Listen to some of Mozart and Beethoven and i can just imagine jumping about to it a few hundred years ago- may look a bit odd if i did it now but thats why we now have metal/ rock

25/01/2012 12pmThat’s why both are REAL music genres played by REAL musicians and not tempoarary fashions played by a programmed computer for the dumb ignorant masses.
It’s unbeleviable to see what the magnificen Work Of Art are doing with JUST the support of the fans.
They have held their first concert in their career and it was AMAZING!!!!

25/01/2012 1pmMarco’s right, there’s always been an appreciation among heavy rock/metal fans for musicianship. Also people like Jon Lord have crossed between genres.

By contrast punk was always about it not mattering whether you could play or not, i.e. Sid Vicious et al. Whileheavy rock/metal is close to classical, punk is close to the X factor.

25/01/2012 1pmI have always loved both genres. Beethoven, Wagner and Tchaikovsky especially have the same bombast and drama that you’ll find with any decent Metal band. And, of course, both genres take a pride in the prowess of their musicianship unlike the factory conveyer belt shite that is ‘pop’ or ‘RnB’ yeuck…